Mountain Rentals and Academy Snowboards are back with the 2nd Annual Rail Jam at Hoedown Hill. Last year’s event was one of a kind, and this year expect even more. As the parks are specifically tailored for this event, it’s shaping out to be an awesome event. Whether it’s your first time in the park or you hit the rails weekly, everyone is encouraged to enter.
Join in this freestyle snowboarding competition where boarders come together to throw down their best tricks.
Here’s the lowdown:
❄️ Open to all ages and abilities
🎿 Win a free snowboard from Academy Snowboards & Mountain Rentals
🏅 Show off your best tricks and have a blast with fellow boarders!
When: Saturday, February 8th
12:30-3:30 Demo Boards
4:00-5:30 Rail Jam Comp (Sundown lift ticket is required)
5:30-6:00 Awards
Location: Hoedown Hill @ the Clunkyard.
Email to register for this event. Day of walk up registration is also welcome.
*Purchase of a lift ticket is required.